In all companies there are individuals having specific knowledge related to a specific market, product group or competitor. When growing to new markets, new applications more people is needed. Ultimately gathering and sharing of knowledge will thus become increasingly difficult and complex.
To succed in growing market knowledge there are some prerequisits:
- Define witch information/data is needed.
- Structure retreiving of information, preferably distributed (bottom up) to support individuals and subsequetly the organisation’s knowledge.
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Nunc tincidunt tortor ut tellus aliquam congue. Cras semper dui a finibus dapibus. Aliquam sed urna et tortor ullamcorper posuere. Ut posuere lorem id ipsum rhoncus lobortis. Cras ultricies nibh nec erat vulputate bibendum.
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Nunc tincidunt tortor ut tellus aliquam congue. Cras semper dui a finibus dapibus. Aliquam sed urna et tortor ullamcorper posuere. Ut posuere lorem id ipsum rhoncus lobortis. Cras ultricies nibh nec erat vulputate bibendum.